After the mother dog gave birth, the father dog was scolded for just passing by: What did he do, what did he touch…

After the mother dog gave birth, she worked very hard to take care of her baby, and became increasingly dissatisfied with the father dog, so the first “argument” broke out… Mother dog: I worked so hard to give birth to the baby, why didn’t you do anything? Father dog: I don’t know what happened, but…

When the storm hit, the stray dog came to the store door for help, but it knew better and didn’t go inside

The girl owned a bakery. One day, it was stormy and rainy. She saw a stray dog standing in front of the door looking inside. Maybe it was looking for shelter or maybe it was very hungry. Seeing the dog standing in front of the door not daring to enter, she understood that it was a stray dog…

Seeing the stray dog eating very deliciously, when I got closer I discovered it was chewing on a piece of wood: Is it that hungry?

Recently, when I stopped my car near a vacant lot, I found a stray dog nearby. It was eating very deliciously, I thought it was gnawing on a delicious bone because its face looked very happy with it. A while later, I came back to get my car and still saw it eating, …

The dog was sick and abandoned on the side of the road, the kind girl took it to the doctor but its condition was quite bad

The girl saw a corgi chained on the side of the road, saw a cardboard box and a bowl of water, a bowl of food. Feeling something was wrong, she went and checked on the dog, its condition was quite bad, its eyes were dull and weak. She thought it belonged to the neighbors so she asked…

After taking his girlfriend out, when he got home he saw his dog resting its chin on its hand looking at him, its eyes filled with tears

The guy has a dog, and he usually takes it for a walk on the weekends. But this week he has a date with his girlfriend so he has to leave it home alone. When he gets home, it doesn’t seem happy to welcome him, but instead…

The dog “stopped breathing 5 times” then woke up because he wanted to wait for his mother to come home and hug him before leaving: in the next life he will still be his mother’s child

The mother and daughter lived together, because the girl often had to go to work, she bought a dog to keep her mother company. The dog’s name was Dona, it was very obedient and smart, since having it, her mother became happier and more cheerful. But recently, the healthy dog suddenly became…

The Pulse of Life in the Wild

Aerial view of a herd of water buffalo in the Karaoğlan neighborhood in the Mustafakemalpasa district of Bursa, Türkiye. Photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images. A northern alligator lizard in a defensive posture as …

Breathtaking Wildlife Photography

A kingfisher forages in Lincolnshire, England, UK. (Photo: Charlotte Graham/Rex/Shutterstock) A bee collects pollen in the Oxfordshire countryside, England, UK. (Photo: Geoffrey Swaine/Rex/Shutterstock) …

Hilarious Moments from the Animal World

A laughing fish, a pair of arguing parrots… are extremely humorous photos of the animal world, highlighting the similarities between humans and nature, while reinforcing people’s respect…

Vibrantly Stunning Animals That Amaze with Their Colors

Mandarin fish, candy crabs, poison dart frogs… are animals that are considered the most beautiful in the world, let’s admire: Mandarin fish. Mandarin fish have colorful and extremely lively fins, looking like the clothes of …