Cat Stranded 45 Feet Up a Tree for Four Days Finally Rescued by His Hero

When a beloved pet goes missing, we all hope they’re nearby, hiding under a cozy bush or curled up in a quiet corner. What we don’t expect is to find them trapped nearly 50 feet up in the air. 

But that’s exactly what happened to one hefty feline affectionately known as “Fat Cat.” Fortunately, a hero named Duane Hook doesn’t shy away from heights when it comes to rescuing our furry friends.

man on a tree
Source: TikTok

Duane has made it his mission to save cats in need, even if they’ve somehow found themselves perched dangerously high up in a tree.

Earlier this month in Ohio, Fat Cat, a solid 25-pounder, found himself in that very same situation – stuck 45 feet above the ground for four long days.

cat on a tree
Source: TikTok

Unfazed by the daunting task ahead, Duane recorded the daring rescue and shared it on social media.

While most of us would break out in a cold sweat just thinking about climbing that high, Duane strapped on his gear and made the ascent without hesitation.

When he finally reached the chubby feline, it wasn’t an easy task. Perched on a precarious branch far from the safety of the trunk, Fat Cat was hesitant to move at first.

fat cat stuck on a tree
Source: TikTok

He wasn’t sure if he could trust this stranger. Duane, however, had a trick up his sleeve – or rather, a treat. He patiently coaxed the pudgy cat closer, knowing it would take some time.

“Sometimes I will spend up to an hour in the tree waiting for the cat to get over their pride and/or fear of me. Fat Cat was easy. He was ready for help.”

adult cat on a tree
Source: TikTok

After some cautious side-stepping and plenty of reassurance, Duane finally secured Fat Cat in a safe bag to begin the careful journey back to the ground.

man helping a cat
Source: TikTok

While it wasn’t the cat’s favorite part of the rescue, it meant he would soon be back in the arms of his worried family.

people and cat
Source: TikTok

The heartwarming video of the rescue has since gone viral, racking up nearly 15 million views. It’s a reminder that even the chubbiest of cats can get themselves into trouble; and when they do, heroes like Duane Hook are there to bring them back down to safety.

So, if your cat ever goes missing, don’t forget to check the trees. You never know how high up they might be!

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